Feng Shui says that unused items collect bad energy and advises
decluttering and arranging your possessions in a particular way can improve
your life by encouraging a more positive energy flow. Now who are we to
argue... here at Cube Self Storage we are all for decluttering so have come up
with a few handy tips to help declutter and Feng Shui your homes this sprint...
so make way for that positive energy!

- Seize the day! Stop thinking that you’ll do it tomorrow, make a date in the diary to dedicate to conquering your clutter and stick to it! You will feel so much better once it’s done.
- Organise your clutter: Make different piles; keep, charity, store, bin etc.
- Toys: Weed out unused and unloved toys.
- Tough Love: Be strict with yourself, if you don’t absolutely need it or haven’t worn it in years, then get it out of your house and make way for the items you do love and you do need.
- Work room by room: There’s no point messing the whole house up, you will need a retreat from the mess, as the room will probably look a lot worse before it looks better.
- Don’t do it all by yourself: Find a friend to help you, someone who will adopt the tough love motto!
So in future, think twice before you buy something new or welcome something else unneeded into your home! For those items that you really cannot be without store with Cube Self Storage, get in contact today to speak to one of our industry experts to discuss your storage needs.
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